Congratulations Rami Abo Ja’far!

Rami, WINS a Gold Medal in a Karate Competition on the 18th of February 2019. Rami part of the ATICO Fakhreldin Group, works at AlQasr Metropole Hotel.

He won a Gold Medal in a Karate competition held by the CSEN, Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale. This National Educational Sport Centre is a body for sports promotions recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee CONI.

Rami has been
playing karate for the past 23 years, trained by his dedicated Coach, Husam,
who “works with people with disability and special needs to achieve their
ultimate goals.” Over these years Rami constantly participated
in many tournaments and competitions regionally and internationally and has
travelled to many countries including Spain, United Status, France and Italy.

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