Wild Jordan Center

Wild Jordan Center, which has a magnificent location overlooking the old city of Amman, the Citadel, and the huge Jordanian flag, is owned by the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature and operated by ATICO Fakhreldin Group. WJC aims to produce an income for the rural communities of the 8 reserves in Jordan protected by RSCN. The Nature Shop is a solid platform, which generates income for the families of the reserves, through exhibiting and selling various items manufactured and produced there.  WJC also promotes ecotourism, whereby tours are available for various reserves. WJC also provides more remarkable services, which include events, five long-term lodges, meeting rooms, and an exceptional dining experience in various locations offering a seasonal menu, while still conserving the essential spirit of Wild Jordan.

It is worth mentioning that Wild Jordan Center is smoke-free.

Opening Hours:
Sat. – Fri.: 9 am to 11 pm

Brunch: Fri. & Sat.: 9 am – 12 pm



Owning Company : ATICO Fakhreldin Group

Address : Amman – Jabal Amman – 1st Circle

Contact :

Email : info@atico-jo.com

Tel : +962 6 4616523

Website : wildjordancenter.com







  • Owning Company : ATICO Fakhreldin Group

  • Address : Tel : +962 6 4616523 - Email : info@atico-jo.com

  • Website : wildjordancenter.com

© 2015. All Rights reserved by ATICO Fakhreldin Group